Wednesday 23 May 2012

What is creativity?? I wonder...

Life puts you through many experiences. It changes you each time you pass through something major. You are just sitting in office, and just out of the blue, an epiphany comes in. You are drawn to it, start thinking about it. And you slowly, but most definitely begin to realize that you are not the little me that you always thought you were. The power to transform your life and everyone around you lies very much within your reach. It is not your power, really. You just have access to that power. And that power is the source of all true creativity.

I have always liked being creative. Whether it is a piece of writing, a speech I was giving, or coding. I remember those times when I enjoyed coding. I was coding in BASIC. It was the most ordinary language there ever was and yet it was extremely fun and liberating. I would get lost in the world of code, one line after another, the debugging sessions, the output which always excited you. There were times when I would sit coding for hours together, especially when I was working on some major project, and the joy that would flow through me was just magical.

There are really three modes of doing that you can operate in. It is acceptance, enjoyment and enthusiasm. Of course there is also a fourth mode of doing, resistance. But resistance is truly harmful and a total deterrent to creativity. If you do not like what you are doing, you should at least be in acceptance of what you are experiencing at this instant. Either accept it or change it.  If you cannot either accept or change the current situation, then get the hell out of there. But do not internally or externally resist it.

When you are being truly creative, you are either in the state of enjoyment or enthusiasm. You are filled with joy and that joy really flows through you into this world and transforms whatever you come in contact with. It leads to a creation, something that can make a difference, or at the least, just make someone happy. The state of enjoyment is really a peaceful state. You can enjoy the smallest things; it does not have to be something major. It could be the sight of a beautiful flower. It could be your girlfriend whispering in your ears. It could just be the trek that fills you with life and joy. Just this one step you are taking at this moment amidst all the magnificent trees and the sacred nature.

The third state, enthusiasm, though, mind you, is contagious. It has an intense energy field. When you are operating out of the mode of enthusiasm, you are full of life. Life flows through you into what you are doing. You are totally one with the situation. You are totally present, but there is the added intensity of a vision, a goal. You are either creating a book or a piece of art, or you are giving that totally awesome speech in front of a few hundred people. You transform lives, you inspire people, and you make a difference.

Just a small post to sum up what creativity may really be all about. And yet no post or words can ever even come close to describing the feeling of joy you experience when you are creative. These are just mere pointers. And yet, like with all matters of the heart, you will know it when you are creative.  

Until next time, adios!

Do what you love and love what you do J

Tuesday 22 May 2012

A Feeling

It was just a feeling.
I wanted to write, I wanted to become someone.
A feeling so deep, it was almost a longing.
A longing filled with hope, hope for a better tomorrow, a better future.
He made me burn, made me burn inside. I cannot be this way anymore, said the mind.
I listened and listened. And then like a burst of lighting, the answer came to me.
I just need to do something creative. Does not matter what. It could hurt this world or make it a better place. Well it better make it a better place.
The answer seemed almost hitting at me, but it could not get deep enough. 
Was calling for it, but it never came.
 I almost shouted, please come to me, but it was not to be seen.
The usual despair fills up.
I begin wondering what.
I need some answers. Questions remain as they were.

And then I think about the power of now. A power so deep, it always beckons to me.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Boredom does occasionally set in, eh?

It is interesting what boredom can do to you. You are just sitting by at your desk , wondering how in the world is everyone else so busy. There is one person here busy talking on the phone with a client. Another one there is busy preparing for a presentation. And you are just sitting here not knowing what to do. Maybe i should go drink another cup of coffee. Or maybe it's time to go hit the gym. Wait, gym is out of the way, you hurt your ankle yesterday. Crap! Does that mean i am back to doing nothing again. No, of course not! There is facebook waiting always in-line to provide some temporary relief. So you go ,with a smile on your face, and type The ever wonderful, very charming facebook page opens up in front of you. But something is terribly wrong. "ZERO" notifications??? The page is the same as it was half an hour ago. You begin to wonder if the world has come to a stand-still. No, obviously not! You can still hear the voice of the person behind you talking to some client.

Yeah i know what you are thinking! You must be thinking "This is exactly what i am going through. You are not alone" :P

Before i say bye, let me just officially welcome you to my blog. What you read above was fifteen minutes of my ever so boring, occasionally interesting corporate life.
